Pass in HSC examination conducted by BSE, Odisha/ 10th standard examination declared equivalent by BSE, Odisha. (In case of compartmental pass, the marks secured in first chance examination shall be considered for calculating the minimum percentage marks at the qualifying examination.) Age :- Lower age 14 years and Upper age – No bar
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR ADMISSION TO 3rd SEMESTER(2 Years LATERAL) DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING/ TECHNOLOGY (10% of approved intake)Pass in +2 Science Examination from CHSE, Odisha or its equivalent examination with PCM / +2 Vocational (2 years course) in any Engineering Trades / 2 years ITI in Engineering Trade or COE Trade with pass in HSC examination conducted by BSE, Odisha/ 10th standard examination declared equivalent by BSE, Odisha. Lower age 14 years and Upper age – No bar
(3.1)The outside state candidates who have prosecuted their study for the qualifying examination in an Institution having approval from the Competent Authority are allowed for admission under Lateral Entry. A separate merit list shall be drawn for such outside state candidates and they will be allowed for admission in the remaining vacant seats, if any, after the state merit list is fully exhausted through web based e-counseling conducted by the Diploma Admission Committee.
- ITI / +2 Vocational (2 years course) pass out students in any Engineering Trades are eligible for admission to 80% seats of Lateral Entry in any discipline of Diploma Engineering Programme. For the rest 20% seats, +2 Science Pass out with PCM are eligible under Lateral Entry in Diploma Engineering programme(vide G.O. No. IXTTI-8/2009/4624/I, dt.26.03.2010)
- Seats remaining vacant in either of the aforesaid category will be filled up from other category and vice-versa as the case may be.
- +2 Science with PCM / +2 Vocational (2 years course) pass out students in any Engineering Trades and HSC / 10thstandard examination declared equivalent by BSE, Odisha Pass with 2 years ITI pass certificate shall be admitted against 20% supernumerary seats under Lateral Entry in Govt. / Private Institutions.
- In case of under Matric, 2 years ITI Engineering Trade courses, the candidates should have passed HSC conducted by BSE, Odisha/ 10th standard examination declared equivalent by BSE, Odisha at the time of the application for admission to Diploma courses under Lateral Entry.
- Regarding COE Trade, the candidate should have passed one year BBBT & 6 months Advanced Module. He/she has to produce the completion certificate of Specialized Module issued from the concerned Principal.
- The ITI candidates having Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (+2 entry level qualifications) are eligible for admission to only Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology branch under lateral entry.
- The ITI candidates passing 2 years duration dual system training in engineering trade duly approved by NCVT are also eligible for admission into lateral entry.
- The percentage of marks shall be arrived at by dividing the total marks obtained by the candidate in all the subjects irrespective of optiona /additional optional subject, if any.
- For admission to 3rdSemester Diploma Course under Lateral Entry, the candidate must be a permanent resident of Odisha. However the outside state candidates are allowed for admission to 3rd semester Diploma courses under lateral entry subject to fulfilling the criteria mentioned
- This Information is for admission to Diploma Engineering / Diploma Engineering (Lateral Entry) for the Academic Year 2024-25 only. Its contents are subject to change without prior notice.
- Admissions to 1st semester Diploma Engineering Courses and 3rd semester Diploma Engineering (Lateral Entry) shall be made according to the merit rank drawn on the basis of the marks obtained by a candidate in the qualifying examination through web based e-counselling.
You will find payment options of ATM-cum- Debit Card / Credit Card/ Net Banking of the banks available in the portal.
- Rs. 300/- for male general candidates..
- Rs. 200/- for ST, SC, PC & Female candidates
The following scholarships/ assistance are being awarded to the students reading in Diploma Institutes as per their eligibility criteria.
- AICTE Pragati Scholarship (205 nos) for girl students passed qualifying exam during 2024 or after @Rs.50,000/Annum for all category having parental income Rs.8 lakh or less.
- AICTE Saksham Scholarship for differently abled students having disability 40% or more & passed qualifying exam during 2024 or after @Rs.50,000/Annum for all category having parental incomers. 8 lakh or less.
- Merit-cum-poverty scholarships for 10% students in every discipline in every Govt. institute.
- Post-metric scholarships& other financial assistance sanctioned by Govt. from time to time for ST/SC/OBC/ SEBC/ Minority Community students in all institutions
- Financial assistance to complete the study, if the parents/ financial guardian of the student dies during study period.
- One time scholarship of Rs.6000/- to eligible Topper students in each semester examination.
- Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme for admission to 5% supernumerary seats in all institutes for the sons and daughters of parents whose annual income from all sources is less than Rs.8.00 Lakh or the amount fixed by Govt. from time to time.
- Provision for 10% supernumerary seats for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) quota for admission in technical institutions from the academic session 202 -25.
- National Scholarship/ Junior Scholarship basing on HSC Marks.
- Financial Assistance under “VIDYARTHI SURAKSHYA” group Insurance scheme.
The admission to all Diploma level programmes in the Institute (Odisha Quota) in outside State Polytechnics decided by MHRD and all seats of Private Engineering Schools & Polytechnics are made through Diploma Admission Committee.
ReservationTo avail reservation, the candidate must be permanent resident of Odisha, however, the children/ ward of all India Civil Service Officers serving in the State can avail the reservation in all category except ST, SC.
Documents to Upload online- Upload scanned image of a recent color photograph of the applicant (100KB size maximum)
- Upload scanned image of Full Signature of the applicant (30KB size maximu )
- Upload Adhar Card
Applicants, other than applicants whose required documents have been validated online, shall have to report personally with downloaded application form and registration slip exactly at the time, date and venue as per the schedule of e-Admission. He/ She is also required to produce the following original documents as applicable at the time of reporting at the NCC.
- Pass certificate of High School Certificate (HSC) examination awarded by BS , Odisha /10th standard examination certificate declared equivalent by BSE, Odisha in support of qualifying examination.
- Mark sheet of HSC examination awarded by BSE, Odisha/10th standard examination declared equivalent by BSE, Odisha securing minimum marks as per the eligibility criteria. (Refer Chapter-3).
- Caste Certificate (SC/ST) from competent authority issued in the proforma in Form-I / the prescribed format of the competent authority.
- Sports Certificate issued/countersigned by the Director of Sports & Youth Services, Odisha or by the competent authority as declared by the Govt. from time to time (in case of candidates claiming reservation under Sports).
- NCC certificate (A, B or C) from appropriate authority (in case of candidates claiming reservation under NCC)
- Green Card of parents issued by concerned CDMO (in case of candidates claiming seats under Green Card category).
- Certificate in Form-II from the competent authority for reservation under E -Servicemen quota.
- Z-Domicile candidates have to produce the following certificates :
- Residential Certificate from the competent authority of their State.
- Mark sheet of HSC examination /10th standard examination of the institute located in their State, declared equivalent by BSE, Odisha securing minimum marks as per the eligibility criteria. (Refer Chapter-3).
- candidates have to produce the following certificates : a. Residential Certificate from the Revenue Officer not below the Rank of Tahasildar that he/she belongs to outlying Oriya speaking tracts in Form-III (Part-I). b. Mark sheet of M.E. or H.S.C examination in support of having Oriya as a subject at M.E. or H.SC examination in Form-III (Part-II).
- Employers’ certificate in Form-IV as applicable.
- Permanent Residence Certificate (in case of reservation category / Lateral Admission) in Form-V as applicable,
- ITI Pass/ +2 Science (PCM) / +2 Vocational pass certificate & mark sheet issued by SCTE&VT, Odisha/CHSE/ 12h standard examination declared equivalent by CHSE, Odisha respectively.
- Annual Income Certificate as appended in Form-VIII / in the format from the competent authority in case of candidate claiming seats under TFW category not earlier than April, 2024/as per circular issued by Revenue & Disaster Management Department, Govt.of Odisha from time to time.
- Income & Asset Certificate as appended in Form-IX / in the format from the competent authority in case of candidate claiming seats under EWS category.
- Aadhaar Card of the candidate for verification of AADHAR /EID Number
- Final downloaded Seat Allotment Letter from the website.
- Fee deposit slip (institute copy) in respect of seat allotment.
- Conduct Certificate and SLC / CLC from the institution last studied.
- Recent passport size photographs duly attested.
- Migration Certificate in case of candidates passing 10th standard examination from any Board other than Board of Secondary Education, Odisha.
- One "General Merit List" for all candidates seeking admission to Diploma Engineering/Technology courses.
- In addition, separate Merit lists will also be drawn for candidates qualifying under each of the reservation category.
- Similarly a merit list will be drawn for lateral admission category for ITI / +2 Vocational candidates.
- A merit list will be drawn for Lateral Admission for +2 Science with PCM as stated above.
Separate merit list for all applicants shall be drawn on the basis of marks secured by a candidate in the qualifying examination.
- One "General Merit List" for all candidates seeking admission to Diploma Engineering / Technology courses.
- In addition, separate Merit lists will also be drawn for candidates qualifying under each of the reservation category.
- Similarly a merit list will be drawn for lateral admission category for ITI / +2 Vocational candidates.
- A merit list will be drawn for Lateral Admission for +2 Science with PCM as stated above.
- Separate merit list will be drawn for outside State Candidates to take admission in 1st semester diploma Engineering courses. 15% seats are reserved for "Z- Domicile" candidates effective from 2010-11 as approved vide G.O. No.IXTTI-8/2009/ 4624/I, Dt.26.03.2010, which is applicable to Private Polytechnics/Engineering Schools only.
- The “ Z” domicile candidates who have prosecuted their study for the qualifying examination in an Institution having approval from the competent authority are allowed for admission to 3rd Semester LE courses. A separate merit list shall be drawn for such ‘Z-Domicile’ candidates and they will be allowed to take admission in the remaining vacant seats, if any, after the state merit list is fully exhausted. i.Separate merit list for admission to 1st semester Engineering courses will be drawn for L candidates for admission to seats reserved for them. However they will also be included in the merit list of Z candidates.
- The L domicile candidates having the eligibility criteria mentioned above at b) (ii) will be included in the merit list of Z candidates for admission to 3rd semester LE courses.
There are some seats as mentioned below reserved for SC/ST/Son & Daughter of Green Cardholders / ES / PC / Women / SP / NCC category wise as per Govt. directives from time to time.
- For SC - 16.25%
- For ST - 22.50%
- For Children of Green Card Holder - 5%
- For Children/Wards of Ex-Servicemen - 2%
- For Physically Challenged - 3%
- For Women students in all Co-ed polytechnics Engineering Schools in each category - 30%
- The sports candidate representing the state during last two years - 0.5%
- Candidate passing NCC(A or B or C certificate examination) - 1%
- Supernumerary seats are also available in each branch for eligible TFW - 5%
- EWS quota would be made operational without disturbing the existing reservation percentage - 10%
Any Further details Please Contact
8455890833 / 9439001311 / 9437069836